


トランプ政権の副大統領を務めるMike Pence氏は妻以外の女性と二人きりになることを避けているそうです。

Billy Graham ruleと呼ばれる宗教上の節制を示したものが存在するそうですが、Pence氏はこれを踏襲していると見られています。

A story about Billy Graham goes something like this: In 1949 or 1950, after one of his famous evangelistic meetings, Graham returned to his hotel room to find a naked woman lying on his bed, ready to seduce him in an attempt to destroy his ministry. Graham, cautious and humble as usual, fled the hotel room and immediately implemented a rule that would come to bear his name: From that day forward, Graham would not travel (including by car), eat or meet alone with a woman other than his wife, Ruth.

The Billy Graham Rule was soon adopted by evangelical pastors and business executives. Men in positions of influence wanted to “flee from sexual immorality” and be “above reproach” (both biblical commands), as well as abstain from “every appearance of evil.” Aware of how many Christian leaders have been felled by sexual immorality, many of these men were taking sincere steps to guard their marriages from infidelity and their hearts from lust.
(Laura Turner. The religious reasons Mike Pence won’t eat alone with women don’t add up. The Washington Post. March 30, 2017.)

Billy Graham ruleの成り立ちについては上記の引用にある通りですが、聖職者たるもの、女性関係には十分注意しなければならないというところでしょうか。


many Christian leaders have been felled by sexual immorality



fall - fell - fallen






human waste


Police have launched an investigation after “human waste” was found in a shipment of Coke cans.

The grim find was made at the Knockmore Hill facility in Lisburn, Ireland — but Coca-Cola has confirmed that none of the products on sale at the moment are affected.

A massive cleanup had to be performed after the shipment arrived from a German supplier the Irish facility had not worked with previously.

A source told the Irish Independent that it was "absolutely horrible, and the machines had to be turned off for about 15 hours to be cleaned.
(Ryan BcBride. 'Human waste' found in Coca-Cola cans at Ireland Coke factory. New York Post. March 29, 2017.)

"human waste"なる表現が出てきますが、"waste"には排泄物の意味があり、"human waste"とは人の排泄物そのものを指しています。

その"human waste"がコカ・コーラの缶から認められた、とはとんでもない話です。




Republican senators moved Thursday to dismantle landmark internet privacy protections for consumers in the first decisive strike against telecommunications and technology regulations created during the Obama administration, and a harbinger of further deregulation.

The measure passed in a 50-to-48 vote largely along party lines. The House is expected to mirror the Senate’s action next week, followed by a signature from President Trump.

The move means Verizon, Comcast or AT&T can continue tracking and sharing people’s browsing and app activity without permission, and it alarmed consumer advocates and Democratic lawmakers. They warned that broadband providers have the widest look into Americans’ online habits, and that without the rules, the companies would have more power to collect data on people and sell sensitive information.
(Kevin Drum. Republicans Are Hellbent on Killing Off Internet Privacy Protections. Why? Mother Jones. March 24, 2017.)



This kind of thing genuinely puzzles me. It's not unexpected, but I still can't figure out why Republicans are so hellbent on doing this.










Shortly after taking office, President Trump told pharmaceutical CEOs visiting the White House that he would accelerate drug approvals by eliminating 75 to 80 percent of the regulations enforced by the US Food and Drug Administration. “Instead of it being 9,000 pages, it’ll be 100 pages,” he said. Slashing those rules could fall to Scott Gottlieb, the president’s pick for FDA commissioner.

As with so many Trump nominees, expect Democrats to press the 44-year-old physician on his conflicts of interest when he appears before the Senate for confirmation. Gottlieb’s deep ties to the industry he would regulate go back more than decade, and he currently serves on the board of three pharmaceutical companies.


But Democrats worry Gottlieb might use his authority to push through products developed by his pharma pals. Cronyism aside, would that be such a bad thing? The companies he’s worked with do vital work that few others can afford to do.
(Trump's FDA Pick Has Friends in Big Pharma. But Who Doesn't? Wired. March 22, 2017.)







搭乗拒否で炎上 ― spandex




For many women, leggings are a staple of their jet-setting uniform. So it came as a surprise to athleisure lovers on Twitter that United Airlines prevented two girls from boarding a flight Sunday from Denver to Minneapolis, just because they were wearing spandex.

The incident captured the attention of social media after it was witnessed by the founder of Moms Demand Action, Shannon Watts, who tweeted that two girls in "normal and appropriate" leggings were prevented from boarding, while a third pulled on a dress over her leggings before being allowed on the plane. United's reason for for denying them entry? The girls "were United pass riders who were not in compliance with our dress code policy for company benefit travel."
(Carly Mallenbaum. No leggings on flights? Celebs blast United for 'terrible' dress code. USA Today. March 26, 2017.)


wearing spandex



Merriam-Webster Dictionaryでは解説があり、"spandex"とは"expands"(拡がる、つまり伸縮性があるとの意と思われます)のアナグラム(日本語では転綴語という難しい単語がありますが、要は文字を並べ替えたもの)です。


キワドイ ― push the boundary



Instagram has always been all or nothing when it comes to boundary-pushing photos and videos: either they made it through the company’s censors, or they got removed from the service. But that’s about to change.

Starting soon, the app will begin blurring out photos and videos that contain “sensitive” content. If someone reports a post and Instagram’s moderation team agrees that it’s “sensitive,” the image will appear blurred out and with a warning on top of it reading: “This photo contains sensitive content which some people may find offensive or disturbing.” You’ll have to tap a button before seeing the post.

But what counts as “sensitive?”

Instagram provided some clarity on what qualifies as “sensitive” in emails to The Verge. The company said that, at first, it’ll primarily be focused on posts that depict violence. “Examples include animal rights groups that share content to expose animal testing conditions or animal abuse, or content that raises awareness of humanitarian crises around the world (famine, impact of war on local communities),” the company wrote.
(Jacob Kastrenakes. Instagram will begin blurring ‘sensitive’ posts before you can view them. The Verge. March 23, 2017.)


boundary-pushing photos and videos



グーグル検索すると、"push the boundary (boundaries)"というフレーズがあるようです。このフレーズを解釈すると、境界(boundaries)を押し広げる(push)ということなのですが、この"boundaries"には様々なものがあります。





屋台骨 ― fabric





Today on #NationalAgDay, we honor our great American farmers & ranchers. Their hard work & dedication are ingrained in our nation's fabric.

つまり、"ingrained in our nation's fabric"という部分を「屋台骨となっている」と訳していることが分かったのですが、"fabric"と聞くと「織物」や衣服の生地という日本語が直ぐに思い浮かぶせいか、ピンと来ませんでした。



一方、Merriam-Webster Dictionaryを検索しますと、"structure, building"、"framework"といった定義がまず最初に見られ、"cloth"などの定義はむしろ後の方に出てくるという違いがありました。



in the soup

"in the soup"という表現をご存知でしょうか?


As a Presidential candidate, Donald Trump led a charmed existence. Whatever he said, no matter how outrageous, it didn’t seem to hurt him.


Now things have changed. He might never admit it, but Trump has belatedly discovered a basic principle of politics: words matter. They matter so much, in fact, that they can make or break a Presidency.


What can’t be denied is that, yet again, the White House is in the soup. The President and his aides now know that words and truth do matter. Yet they continue to act as if they are oblivious. At a press conference with Angela Merkel, the German Chancellor, on Friday afternoon, a German reporter asked Trump, “Why do you keep saying things you know are not true?” Trump didn’t answer directly. When another German reporter asked Trump about the White House citing claims that the British government bugged him, he refused to take responsibility. “We said nothing,” he said. “All we did was quote a certain very talented legal mind who was the one responsible for saying that on television. I didn’t make an opinion on it.” And, once again, Trump refused to back off the discredited claim that Obama bugged him. Looking at Merkel, whose phone the N.S.A. reportedly tapped for years, he said, jokingly, “At least we have something in common, perhaps.”
(John Cassidy. Donald Trump Finally Pays a Price for His False and Reckless Words. The New Yorker. March 17, 2017.)


特に、大統領選期間中にオバマ元大統領がトランプ氏を盗聴していたという一方的な主張は、結局のところ根拠の無い中傷らしいことが明らかとなり、ホワイトハウスは「苦境に立たされて」(in the soup)いるというものです。

手元にあるCollins Cobuild Dictionary of Idiomsにも"in the soup"が載っています。

気になるのは、何故"in the soup"が「トラブル」を意味するようになったのかということですが、色々当たってみたのですがどうも判然としません。





Greatest of All Time


We've all had Starbucks baristas who spell our names wrong on coffee cups, but Michael Phelps clearly ran into a fan when he ordered some java on Monday, March 20.

The swimming champ — who has won more medals than any other Olympic athlete in history ­— shared a photo on Instagram of three coffee cups. Phelps' cup had the words "The GOAT" inscribed on it — that's short for Greatest of All Time.

His wife, Nicole Johnson, 31, was given a cup with "Wife of GOAT," while the third cup has "Friend of GOAT" written on it.
(Kathy Campbell. Michael Phelps Had the Best Thing Written on His Starbucks Coffee Cup. US Magazine. March 20, 2017.)


スターバックスの店員が同氏の注文したコーヒーカップに(注文主が分かるように書き付けたIDを)"The GOAT"としたのは、「史上最高」のスイマーを称えてのことです。


例えば、"the goat"というと、

a person who is blamed for a loss or failure
(Merriam-Webster Dictionary)

という意味もあります。その"the goat"が"The GOAT"へと、ネガティヴな意味からポジティヴな意味へと変容した(?)時期は定かではないようですが、"The GOAT"は、例えば、下記に引用するWall Street Journalの見出しでも使われているように、今日では定着しているものと思われます。

How GOAT (Greatest of All Time) Took Over the Olympics

Gymnast Simone Biles. Sprinter Usain Bolt. Swimmers Michael Phelps and Katie Ledecky. Over the course of the Summer Olympics in Rio, commentators bestowed all of these athletes with a four-letter designation: GOAT.

No, that’s not “goat” as in the animal or the scornful name given to someone whose poor performance causes a team to lose a game. Quite the opposite: “GOAT” is an acronym for “Greatest of All Time.”
(Ben Zimmer. Wall Street Journal. August 19, 2016.)


Meals on Wheels

"Meals on Wheels"という表現を目にしました。何のことか分からなかったのですが、記事を読むとお年寄りに温かい食事を届けるサービスとあります。

Meals on Wheels, the popular nationwide program that provides hot meals to needy seniors, has become a rallying point for critics of President Trump’s proposed budget, which slashes spending on social initiatives to beef up military spending.

But on Sunday, the Trump administration answered an emphatic "no" to the question of whether the budget would gut Meals on Wheels.

Mick Mulvaney, the Office of Management and Budget director, said that the funding source the administration seeks to eliminate — the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s community development block grants — accounts for just 3 percent of Meals on Wheels’ overall funding.
(Philip Rucker. Is Trump gutting Meals on Wheels? His budget director says no. The Washington Post. March 19, 2017.)

アメリカのトランプ政権ではこの"Meals on Wheels"の予算を削って、軍事費を増強するという見方にあったようですが、予算を担当する予算局(Office of Management and Budget)は言下に否定したようです。

ところで、"Meals on Wheels"の"wheels"が何のことか分からなかったのですが、これはお年寄りが家から出かけて食料を調達できないことから、代わりにクルマなどで食事を届けるという発想から、"wheels"はクルマのことを指しているようです。

"Meals on Wheels"のコンセプトは戦時中に遡り、元々はイギリスで軍人向けに食事を提供していたボランティアサービスだそうです。




The age difference between you and your partner could impact the longevity of your relationship.

A study from Emory University in Atlanta showed that there was a link between a couple’s age gap and the likelihood of separation.

After looking at data from 3,000 participants, experts found that the bigger the age difference between partners, the greater the risk of separation.

Couples with a five-year gap are 18 percent more likely to split compared to those in a relationship with someone their own age.

And this rate dramatically increases as the gap widens to ten years, at a 39 percent rate of separation.

Relationships for couples with 20 years or more between them were found to break down 95 percent of the time.

Research suggests that finding love with someone of a similar age could be your best bet.
(Sophie Roberts. This is the ideal age gap if you want a relationship to last. New York Post. March 6, 2017.)


It’s not the first study that claims to have determined a major trigger of separation.

Legal experts revealed that kinky sex is behind two thirds of divorces.


「性的志向」と書きましたが、記事中"kinky sex"とあり、この"kinky"というのはぶっちゃけて言うと、「変態」の意味です。


a clever unusual way of doing something
(Merriam-Webster Dictionary)


unconventional sexual taste or behavior



関西の私立大学である近畿大学が、その英語名称である"Kinki University"が"kinky"という単語を想起させるとして、"Kindai University"と名称変更したというのもよく知られているところです。


不当行為 ー unconscionable conduct


CANBERRA, Australia (AP) — Australian author and blogger Belle Gibson, who lied about beating a normally deadly brain tumor through healthy eating, exploited public generosity by falsely claiming most of her income went to charities, a judge said Wednesday.

Federal Court Justice Debra Mortimer ruled that Gibson’s deceptive and misleading claims about her charitable donations from the sales of her cook book “The Whole Pantry” and a related app constituted unconscionable conduct under Australian law.

“All Ms. Gibson’s marketing of herself and her company projected the image of a successful, booming enterprise with a wholesale dedication to charitable giving,” Mortimer wrote in her judgment.

But despite Gibson saying “a large part of everything the company earns is now donated to charities,” only 10,000 Australian dollars ($7,600) of the earnings of AU$420,000 from her company Inkerman Road Nominees went to charity.
(Australian author found guilty of unconscionable conduct. Associated Press. March 15, 2017.)








unconscionable conduct




落ちぶれる ー stoop



After 153 strikes, a British serial thief dubbed by the media as the “Pickpocket Queen of Birmingham” is finally out.

Margaret Johnson was sentenced to 30 months in the slammer after admitting to six thefts Friday in front of a court in Birmingham, the BBC reported. The 40-year-old – who has no fixed address – has 153 offenses to her name, 93 of which are theft.

Johnson’s targets included an elderly woman looking after her grandson who has Down Syndrome, and a heavily-pregnant shopper, police said.


“She deliberately targets elderly, lone female shoppers – people she considers easy targets,” said Sgt. Julia Slater of West Midland Police. “Even by her own despicable standards she has stooped to new lows with these offenses.” she added.
(Serial pickpocket jailed after 153rd offense. New York Post. March 14, 2017.)



she has stooped to new lows



"stoop to〜"で、〜するまで身を落とす、という意味で使われます。


こんな意味もあったの? - wrinkle

久しぶり(?)の、こんな意味もあったの? のコーナーです。


New wrinkle on President Trump's claims of Obama wiretapping at Trump Tower

WASHINGTON - The White House has yet to provide any evidence to back President Trump's claim that President Obama tapped hisphone during the campaign. On Monday, the story changed, with Mr. Trump's spokesman saying the alleged eavesdropping may not have involved a telephone.

President Trump again ignored questions about what evidence he has to back up a week-old claim on twitter that President Obama tapped his phones at Trump Tower.

"I think if you look at the president's tweet, he said very clearly 'wire-tapping' in quotes," Whit House press secretary Sean Spicer said.
(CBS News. March 13, 2017.)




"wire-tapping"といった場合、まずは電話の盗聴ということを想起しますが、トランプ氏のツイッター投稿では引用符付きの"wire tapping"であり、電話に限らず広い意味合いを表現したのだとも述べているそうです。


New wrinkle on President Trump's claims...







Merriam-Webster dictionaryでは、

A surprise in a story or series of events


American Heritage Dictionaryも同様に、

A different or unexpected development, action, or idea






As a gastroenterologist, Jason Tye-Din sees ­patients who only eat potatoes and sometimes a bit of rice.

“They’re too scared to eat anything else,” he says, “because they get some sort of reaction. Sometimes it’s a real reaction but in most cases it’s because they’ve ­developed such a fear of food. They’re confused about their symptoms and their relationship to food.”

Tye-Din says some patients arrive at his clinic in tears. “They come in saying, ‘I don’t know what to eat.’ They’ve got to the point where they’ve pulled so many things from their diet that it is not ­nutritious whatsoever. They’ve got phobia of food — what we call ‘orthorexia’. They’ve gone to the extreme level where they’ve ­excluded so much from their diet.”
(John Ross. Gluten-free diets could lead to deficiencies and cause illness. The Australian. March 10, 2017.)













Make America Great Again

の頭文字を取ったもので、ご存知のように"Make America Great Again"はトランプ大統領が選挙戦から使ってきたキャッチフレーズです。



A 12-year-old boy in the St. Louis area found himself allegedly bullied for wearing a red “Make America Great Again” (MAGA) hat on a school bus, and is now suspended as a result of the encounter.

The Parkway School District suspended the middle schooler, Gavin Cortina, and two other students allegedly involved in the political confrontation that went from verbal to physical after cell phone video of the fight surfaced.

As suggested in the footage embedded below, the other two students apparently were not fans of building a wall at the U.S.-Mexico border. Gavin claims he was pushed and then punched multiple times by a “frustrated” student before fighting back.

“In cell phone video of the incident sent to News 4, the students are heard arguing over President Trump’s proposed Mexican border wall. The situation quickly escalates to pushing and what looks likes some punches thrown,” KMOV News4 of St. Louis reported.
(Robert Jonathan. 12-Year-Old Suspended After Wearing MAGA Hat On School Bus. Inquistr. February 9, 2017.)


記事のタイトルでは、"MAGA Hat"となっており、"MAGA"で検索すると多くのニュース媒体で当たり前のように略語として使われていますので、ツイッターのハッシュタグから定着した略語であると言えるかもしれませんね。


アスリートから連想するもの ― athlete



There is such a thing as a memory athlete. These are people who can memorize a truly insane amount of information really quickly, like the order of playing cards in a deck in under 20 seconds, or 200 new names and faces in a matter of minutes.

Neuroscientists writing Wednesday in the journal Neuron found these champs of memorization aren't that different from the rest of us.

"We were interested in what differentiates memory champions from normal people, like you and me," says Martin Dresler, a cognitive neuroscientist at the Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behavior at Radboud University in the Netherlands.
(Maybe You, Too, Could Become A Super Memorizer. NPR. March 8, 2017.)




a memory athlete






ちょっと疑問ですね。Merriam-Webster Dictionaryの定義では、

a person who is trained or skilled in exercises, sports, or games requiring physical strength, agility, or stamina





"corporate athlete"という単語をお聞きになったことのある方がいると思います。

Q: What do you look for when hiring managers?
A: I look for a corporate athlete, somebody who has a lot of desire and will do what it takes to succeed. They could be from a sports background or some other background showing they worked well on a team. During an interview, if someone talks about what he or she did, I would be less impressed than if the person talks about what " we " did. How did other people help this person be successful and how did this person help others be successful?
(Atlanta Journal Constitution, 2015)

ここで、"corporate athlete"とは会社勤めをしながらスポーツに勤しむ人、趣味でスポーツをするとか、あるいは実業団選手のようなスポーツ選手を指している訳ではありません。


"memory athlete"の「アスリート」はこれと同じような意味合いと思われます。






WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump appeared on Tuesday to reinforce his campaign support for the continued use of the Guantanamo Bay detention center, using an early morning tweet to discuss the facility, which his predecessor had vowed to close.

The tweet decrying the release of Guantanamo detainees who returned to the battlefield was the first time Trump mentioned the detention center since he took office. And it came with little insight into any new administration policy on how the center will be used.

On Tuesday Trump tweeted: “122 vicious prisoners, released by the Obama Administration from Gitmo, have returned to the battlefield. Just another terrible decision!”
(Lolita C. Baldor. Trump tweet signals ongoing support for Guantanamo. The Washington Post. March 7, 2017.)








Clearly annoyed by a drone hovering near her residence, a woman aims a gun at the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle in a video that is going viral.

The drone’s-eye video shows the drone hovering close to a house. A woman appears on the porch and throws stones at the UAV, which flies higher to avoid the projectiles.

The video then shows the woman entering the house before re-emerging with a gun, which she aims at the drone. At that point whoever is piloting the drone gets the message that the UAV is unwelcome and the drone quickly flies away from the house.
(Watch this woman pull gun on drone hovering over her home. New York Post. March 6, 2017.)




Unmanne Aerial Vehicle


ところで、Merriam-Webster DictionaryでUAVを引くと、RPVというべつの略語に誘導されますが、RPVは、

Remotely Piloted Vehicle



persona non grata




Malaysia said on Saturday it was expelling the North Korean ambassador, escalating a diplomatic row between the two countries over the murder of the estranged half-brother of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un.

Ambassador Kang Chol was declared "persona non grata" and asked to leave Malaysia within 48 hours, Reuters reported.

Kim Jong-nam, the leader's half-brother, was murdered on Feb. 13 at Kuala Lumpur International Airport, after being assaulted by two women who Malaysian police believe smeared his face with VX, a nerve agent classified by the United Nations as a weapon of mass destruction. The ambassador had said last month that Pyongyang "cannot trust" Malaysia's handling of the investigation, and accused the country of "colluding with outside forces", in a veiled reference to bitter rival South Korea.
(Malaysia Declares North Korea Envoy Persona Non Grata. Financial Tribune. March 5, 2017.)

"persona non grata"という聞きなれない単語が使われています。私は初めて目にしたのですが、先日の産経新聞紙上では別囲みで用語解説されていました。


ラテン語であることはお分かりいただけると思いますが、ランダムハウス英和辞書にもちゃんと載っていて、"non grata"というフレーズが「招かれていない」という意味で載っています。


bundle of joy



It’s natural to want to give your baby the very best start in life, and that begins with picking the perfect name.

As well as settling on something that mom and dad both like, you’ll likely find yourself wondering what the rest of your family and friends will think of the name too.

But what if there was a way to boost your bundle of joy’s chances of making a million in the future?

Well, apparently there is.

According to Linda Rosenkrantz of Nameberry.com, a site dedicated to helping parents choose the right name, there are a couple of ways to go about setting your kid up for success.
(Hannah Ferret. The baby names to choose if you want a little millionaire. New York Post. March 1, 2017.)


定番というのは、実業家などの億万長者に倣ったものが多いそうで、Mark(フェースブックCEOのMark Zuckerberg氏)、Bill (マイクロソフト社の元CEOBill Gates氏)、Jeff(アマゾンCEOのJeff Bezos氏)などが含まれるています。


your bundle of joy

という表現が使われていますが、この"bundle of joy"という表現をご存知でしょうか?

"bundle of joy"で赤ちゃん、の意味だそうです。


ランダムハウス英和辞典では、"bundle from heaven"という表現も載っています。





Millennials have double the risk of colon cancer and quadruple the risk of rectal cancer compared with baby boomers, raising serious questions about whether differences in lifestyle or some yet unidentified factor could explain what researchers called a “curious” increase.

While colon cancer has been in sharp decline since 1974 and is still generally concentrated among people older than 50, for adults in their 20s and 30s, rates of the disease increased 1 to 2 percent every year from the mid-1980s through 2013, according to a new analysis of almost 500,000 people, published by researchers at the American Cancer Society.
(Anna Almendrala. Colorectal Cancer Rates Are Rising Sharply Among Young Americans. Huffington Post. March 1, 2017.)


Meanwhile, colorectal cancer rates among older adults are decreasing, thanks in part to successful and widespread screening. In adults 55 and older, colon cancer rates have been falling since the mid-1980s. For rectal cancer, rates have been falling since 1974.

“Trends in young people are a bellwether for the future disease burden,” said lead author Rebecca Siegel, an ACS researcher. “Our finding that colorectal cancer risk for millennials has escalated back to the level of those born in the late 1800s is very sobering.”



Trends in young people are a bellwether for the future disease burden.



Merriam-Webster Dictionaryの解説によると、ヤギの群れを管理するのに、1頭のヤギに鈴をつけるということをするそうです。そうすると、鈴をつけたその1頭のヤギに群れがなびくそうで、つまり、鈴をつけたヤギは群れのリーダーと認識されることから流行などの先端を行く人や事に対して"bellwether"が用いられるようになりました。


drain the swamp




We have begun to drain the swamp of government corruption by imposing a 5 year ban on lobbying by executive branch officials --- and a lifetime ban on becoming lobbyists for a foreign government.


a difficult or troublesome situation or subject
(Merriam-Webster Dictionary)



ところで、この"drain the swamp"という言い回しはコーパスの検索では用例が認められ、トランプ氏独自の比喩表現というわけではないようです。

But if he had come and said we have to transform the Middle East to drain the swamp of terrorism, and that is part of our larger war on terrorism, then I think the American people would have supported the president on that.
(PBS Newshour, 2003)
